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Easton Weston

Real name: also, Jonah
”Easton Weston from the East West brothel, brewery and bakery and most certainly not another whiskey” (Northward) (Solis)
Height: 6’0
Race: Human/Half ANGEL
Class: Paladin
Stats: str 18 dex 14 con 16 wis 10 int 8 cha 16
Sun: Leo Rising: Moon:
Blood Type: O-
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Physical Description:
A big smiley golden man with big angel wings! He is a fitness nut and has that amazing triangle figure with some damn nice thighs and ass. He is a health nut and it SHOWS. Golden skin and nearly white blonde hair with dark roots. Bright blue eyes and sometimes a shining halo. He likes neutral tones and light blue a lot.

I don’t use the term himbo lightly but this one is all tits and smiles. He is kind, loves helping others and tries to always see the best in people. Easton spends most of his time as a cheery baker and trainer, but when he is called he never hesitates to put on his giant platemail and draw his greatsword.

At least 3 small glass birds. He collects them. Protein bars, water bottles, first aid kit. If you invite him over he will bring a loaf of bread.

Backstory: Easton is my first dnd character so i am very soft about him
Baby easton was found in a field by an Elven woman. He was just a normal human baby and after bringing him back to the East West Brothel, Brewery and Bakery he was raised by all the workers there. He was a strong little thing and always eager to help any of the elves or dwarves that were working! When he was really little he also met a half-elf kid named Artie whose parents owned a farm outside of town who he would eagerly run delivers between them. They became the best of friends and Artie even taught him common and and how to read.

Easton worked as a damn good bouncer and sex worker at the East West. He was GREAT at both and honestly enjoyed working there and making people happy. When he was 21 he and artie were recruited into the army and that’s when DDND starts. Easton only spoke in sleazey pick up lines, dirty jokes and was honestly a pretty terrible person to be around. He didn’t know any better, its how he learned to talk to people. And the only other thing he was any good at was swinging a sword and fighting. Didn’t leave much room for hobbies.

Being split up from the army and only with a few others he was absolutely thrown into one big epic destiny he was not ready for. Years of hardship and also real friendship broke down his terrible persona and he turned out to just be just a sweet kid trying to help everyone he could.

On this adventure he sacrificed himself for the group to save them from a Green dragon that attacked them at sea. Easton Weston died.

Months later he woke up only knowing his name was Jonah flying through the air! His angel half kicked in and he had quite the time reconnecting with the party. It was very emotional but the memories came back, and he was now a paladin instead of a fighter. STILL DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT WHY THAT HAPPENED

The final arc of ddnd was a great battle against the original Sin. After a grueling battle against easton’s closest friend in the Party Roshan, to stop Sin and save the world she begged him to kill her. It broke him down. He took a while to come back for it, turning down the actual crown to the country they saved.

Currently easton runs a bakery + temple with his partner artie. They are married, in love and happy as can be. They take in deliquents and orphans and have them work the bakery and train with Easton to try and prepare them for life. Its a charming existence and Easton is happy as can be.

Side note- his human half is actually from the SOLIS family (Teddy, Andrew, Bishop, Lesley etc). He is Teddy’s great uncle.